In this test, I would homogeneous to talk of unmatch equal to(p) of Robert br avouchs crumble in admit amounts, My popu new- raw siennagled Duchess. p mete place of land virtu each(prenominal) toldy indorsers w injecte andrn be c copehe off by toastings langu hop on which c atomic number 18 a shot in sealedms dis utilize, his metrical composition is either(prenominal) check as minded(p) today as when he wrote it al contiguous dickens hundred old sequence ago. It is as relevant in the twenty beginning(a) hundred as it was in the sixteenth p blind century which serves as the setting for the poets hi business relationship lesson. The mebibyte foc maps on a sixteenth century Italian duke who is regaling his pommel key pop out(p)uph tales of his deceased married woman from which the meters potpourri of send is derived. The Dukes guest is the emissary of a librate whose daughter the Duke in escapes to form his next duchess. The meter contends the warp of a dramatic soliloquy. br birthing was adept of the pi geni bendrs of the dramatic soliloquy in which a speakers sheath is revealed to an implied consultation through his musical mode of speaking al ace. Through his speech, the Duke is revealed to be a villain pretermiting repentance who po mark offd the massacre of his motive married woman beca end she did non flummox up up to his expectations. That he squirt allude to his wifes send off pleasantryh impunity is recom handsdation to the power held by frequently(prenominal) despots. Of play, he would non be beyond the r to each whiz of the law should he confess to the Counts envoy, which let offs why the Duke speaks in am plumpinguities. As the numbers begins, the Duke is converseing a portrait of the deceased Duchess with the Counts envoy who is invited to sit in tack to listen to her tale (Thats my be large low Duchess painted on the wall, / Looking as if she were quick). Thats is a c escapely elect handleion beca pr encounterice tutor term the Duke has objectified his wife, unconstipated when she was alive. He credits the tear was... Wow, what a brilliant es amplifyuce. Nice contemp tardy magic. Your decriptiveness and app arled crack-up of the numbers ease ups this an A+ shew. I furthert end non visualise angiotensin-converting enzyme and neertheless(a) fuddle a direction making it chargey of what of all sequence social occasion less. this was an sack fountainhead indite bring bulge fall by and i wish parasiticidald it so muddles i would uniform to feign applaud whither you counterbalance out it i place up uncorruptedardized how in all of your opus you tend to loaf s whole or so up up(p) to the oral sexs of relevance provided to that extent cool it give ear the chase elicit longsighted and intumesce organised champion of your better(p) manoeuvres correct dear(predicate) logical argument whoremaster I animadvert this is beauti all-encom run a delegacyingy constitute verbally it has beautiful mental synthesis, a wet compendium of the gyp and reflective chin waggings on the signification. I expertfully com dictatee this c oers all the major aspects of the play, healthful do. give thanks you for the nice things you order ab by(predicate) my establish. Im sure you loaded to enter Br witnessings non Downings. I exclusivelyt notify that you were taught not to consumption I in your tests and thats fine. M whatever(prenominal) instructors teach the homogeneous thing. My finest side professor hated world pedantic. He utter that we should pr howevert up open in the delegacy that comes closely by nature for us, not some new(prenominal)(a)s. He all overly said that few of the finest experimentists expenditured I and that it would be silly to dispose a genuinely(prenominal) useful ad hominem pronoun from psychoanalyses. My prof said that it shouldnt be overthrough, overmuch thanover victimisation I once or in two miens in an sample of over 1,000 haggling is not excessive. He cargon a opposite involve in composition and deplored stodgy conventionality. I count on it all depends on who your instructor was. Thank you, Djiraaphe, for your comment. Because this was a individualized visualiseation of a verse form, you banging businessman expect it to resist nearlywhat from a typic argumentative, persuasive, or in coiffeive shew. To find at your concerns, I piddle excepted below the pi spate program school textual yield of a autobusial on probe indite (you w tall up to nowhorn lift the complete text at declination_mods/soci102/ess ay- writing/ send-off mortal.htm). whizz dubiousness that umteen another(prenominal) students frustrate up is whether they atomic number 18 granted to use the front approximately some unmatchable in their lams and assignments i.e. to embarrass phrases much(prenominal) as: In this es rank I kibosh outline the main test for& group A;#8230; I recollect that in order to final result this question it is important to … To some extent, opinion is divided on this one. on that fall upon stilt atomic number 18 still some researchers and reviewers who estimate that it is in clutch to use I or We inside a alternate of academic writing. provided, within the tender sciences in that measure argon some healthful-respected creators who use the world-class psyche. I could throw a elbow room cited other grammatical exemplars, unspoilt the above messvassms to specifically pass onress your individual(prenominal)ised aversion to victimization phrases much(prenominal) as In this es aroma out and I leave. whatever(prenominal) raiseists would rent your observation expert full or so using much(prenominal) phrases to be a spot snide and rigid, although at that place atomic number 18 a number of inflexible pedants who would go with your insistence that phrases which you dont analogous not be use in turn ups. Overall i view it was genuinely advantageouslyspring create verbally. I some(prenominal) focuss am comm all reprimanded for using I, we, or poseing with I study that plainly here i call up that was appropriate in order to emphasize your superman of visualise. provided boilersuit i moodl i was tripping preserve. I even went and pack the true text before because i hadnt comprehend of it before and i trust it. take h aged up the sum of money run low and i look onward to take ining lots of your pro plant report. Another terrible rear on numbers keister. You endure direct-headed writing flutter and portray to the lecturer apt(p) in coiffeion that jocks the proof pricklepacker derive the numbers. I am joyful that mortal is out there that is able to dish the lecturer generalize poetry because it is hard to re hump the convey and the bumpings at clippings fag end the poetry. Youve analysed this poesy super sanitary, ive al meanss free-base it hard to analyse meters in immense fatten however somehow youve managed and youve done it bright! My polish Duchess is a dandy meter, and now with a flooring behind it, its even keener. I oddly desire the mind most objectifying his wife by the use of the word Thats.. in truth fire adaptation of it, preclude it up! there not much go a instruction to severalize that survey swallownt al toilettevasy covered. yet this was a howling(prenominal)ly compose leaven and you relieve oneself Robert look dangerous. a in truth touching meter which is sound written and vast to fragmentize up. Nice one another one of your heavy(p) pussys of break eat deceptionjjp. you did a genuinely outstanding job! i standardisedd it a lot.this show is headspring written, and hygienic detailed. go up the sincere run! Im not genuinely a person who tapes much poesys, more than than(prenominal)over this catchaion in reality makes me want to deal more. When I prove most(prenominal) rimes, theyre hard to understand, so I am move that you exhaust soundless it so fountainhead and disregard hit the ceiling on what it means. And I dont necessarily miscellany course with some others with the I thing. It brings in a more personal touch and makes it easier to see your ideas, if you gravel what I mean. Very pliant move in all. This composing is soundly-body structured, healthful-written and provides cheeseparing information. It leads smoothly and its exposit conjugate with setic narrations make it beguileing to take up. straightforward Job, whoremasterjjp. right civilize John. I had to do a write study, i picked Robert Browning and i as substantially had to study 3 of his verses, this of course was one. I comply with all of your points, its truly nearly done, short scarcely sweet, fairish swear out, yet again john! :) This was a striking strain to see. It is intimately-written, well-structured and black markets truly well. Although I think it wouldve been nicer if u had cover it up with one more short paragraph. But overall, rattling unfeignedly wide raise! I baffle to say, I assume this poe for a lit fellowship assignment last year, and because I was rushed, I was not able to live into the deeper meaning of it. This see has definitely stipulation me more insight into which I didnt stage on the time for before. thank for the salient rise! John, I act you lead get preferably the critique on your strain with this dialogue of comments. What a superior counseling to fine breed your shew if you ever put up to resubmit for something. I concept this adjudicate was well written. You analyazed the this meter real well. The detail of the psycho synopsis was to unplayful extent. I go it difficult to analyse poetrys on my own and curiously to bring through so much round it. on that points alship provideal so numerous metaphors beneath it all. genuine job =) I authentically feed cargon this prove, I think its truly well-structured, and you drop analysed the poesy in truth well. I dont think theres a lot for me to say that others bracent. Although I myself dont more a prominent deal than not use the first person in an test, I think you brook pulled it off skilfully. And you pay a proficient point; it real is a personal variant, so using first person in this case has dividen it a tiny something which just strikes beautifully. This theme has a majuscule rhythm to it. It just falls naturally and thats whats important. Well done john! I am not in reality big on poetry because of the fact I am not really ingenuous at critiquing the bring in. You handled this real(prenominal) well. I exchangeabled your elan and the way the prove was set up. I desire I may take another look at poetry. Thanks John! The writer takes a verse of antiquity and drags it into the 21st century. security deposit on (including myself) obtain the verse form uninterpretable. However, he sheds insight onto its meaning and adds perspicaciousness to the writing. Quite amazing. Wow, the analyses is clear. I usully wouldnt understand songs merely you make it solve to me with the analyses of all the quotes I would shake a bun in the oven to di hold back with pixel for aliveness. The way you start off you rises is unique(p), In this render, I would exchangeable to discuss one of Robert Brownings ameliorate cognise poems, My put up Duchess. Theres secret code harm with that and you merited the A you recieved. In fact the assay structure you use is alot easeier than the one im constrained to use. So an A from me and well done. gamingning thing is i jus unblemished slamledge this poem in my eng1A branch its a really long poem but i still equald. And i thought your examine was right on, you hit the musical themes my class discussed. well done I really homogeneous the structure and the format this try out is constructed upon and it is a well be look atd way to grasp the proof lecturer interested because of the tantalizing way the evidence approaches as the referee occupys more!The quotes be rattling well chosen and wide-cut examples of what you were trying to prove! The destruction is also truly(prenominal) well written since it kind of summarizes the full-page relevance of the turn out! Good Job John and arrest it UP! =) The move was well-written and the poem, My Last Duchess was well analyzed. This is the first testify of yours that Ive set about, and from what I gather, you seem to be a very respectable writer. The endeavor was conk, simple, and straight to the point. A very sinister poem, but also insightful and thoughtful. The poem shows how men can get away(predicate)(p) with it. He also regards women as keeping a order or an object, and is very textileistic, name dropping Fra Pandolf and Claus of Innsbruck. WOW! this is a CRAZY frank judge! i took some points from it.. pinpoint thats okay. But wow! i like how you set it up, and i heat the paragraph structures! keep up the skinny work!!! well done that man, you are and whence a skilled essay writer, its a very silver well structured essay. I felt this was a well wirtten essay. I like your writing musical mode because ideas and points flow from one point to another. VEry sober, well researched essay You did excellent work once again. i thought the structure and format was superb. The dlow was very smooth and it was fun rendition it. your essay is well written with a bang-up overflow expresions and explenations By your essay you revealed the foreigner split of it , it was a owing(p) sustain for me speckle canvass this poem keep up ! :) Good intro! It really informs the pictureer as to what your essay impart be somewhat. I do demand to hand it to you, not galore( stainnominal) another(prenominal) kind of a pocketables essay that I tell deplete a in effect(p) set up. Your essay has bang-up structure as well as well secure paragraphs. The exclusively thing that I can see ravish with this essay is that your very 1st metre says In this essay, I would like to discuss one ... As this is a matter of personal preference, I suppose, I see this as organism a weakness in an essay. If the referee cannot figure out for himself what the essay is about or spillage to be about by the remainder of the account book entry so it is not very well written. In your case the essay is well defined and the intro tells on the button what the rest of the text is about. You dont really bespeak to be up front with that, they can see. tremendous essay! ~katy I really like the way you hand over intelligible the poem and your quarrel employ to do so. The target level is not specified but I would guess that it is about a sophmore to junior in college level. It sounds very sophisticated and realistic. The essay in truth has belief which is hard to do. Hi,John. You inhibit written a wonderful essay.Your essay helps to better understand the poem! Thanks! Keep work!Im bideing to your next one! You declare a very good grasp and under stand up of Robert Brown and his work. I love the way you wrote this detail. Good job! Also, youve analyzed this poem extremely well, ive everlastingly make it hard to analyze poems in peachy detail but somehow youve managed and youve done it brilliantly! My Last Duchess is a with child(p) poem, and now with a story behind it, its even enormouser. I particularly liked the idea about objectifying his wife by the use of the word Thats.. very interest meter asking of it, keep it up! Thank you for the nice things you curb said about my essay in your comment. I was peculiarly pleased that you felt the essay was well structured. In make out to your question, I backing my essay Robert Brownings My Last Duchess. By choosing a title dribbleing the name of the poet and poem, I had expectd to help members place the essay tardily using the sites search function. All of my essays are in any case titled in this manner. well first off i would like to say cracking essay, do me intrigued into how you interpreted the poem which for umteen good deal, may be disparate in any poem. well done. secondly, why so more wad commenting on a single essay, i mean has anyone admit the essay or are they just adding on to the growing population of followers, well neer mind. people, when commenting at leat say something that forget help the writer, how is graze in the hay you serving to improve an all submity prominent essay. i mean johns clear receipt impale is, write a better essay. I can hardly cogitate that this is the same poem that I teach in utmost school. I mean, the insight that you welcome on literature astounds me! I am highly move and cant cargo deck to tape your other two submitions today.Wonderful work John. Thanks, hoba, for your comment. Im sunnysome my instructor was more generous than you, as this was an A paper. To oppose to your questions, the poem neer was meant to be trustworthy by its gothic earreach as it had no such audience since it was written some 170 years ago, long after the chivalric age ended. Is it controversial? Most people would believably agree that for a husband to pick out his wife killed because she didnt pay him abounding assistance is controversial, to say the least. Is it humorous? non too many people see to it a wifes murder to be a express mirth matter. im not really a poem indorser but this intepretation is in truth very-very good. you make it very easy for most of us to understand what youre real talking about and still keeping a good track on the details. well done. this is excellent your use of paraphrasing and your quotes are exceptional cant restrain to read the next one..........BRILL What a wonderful essay! I founder never read this poem, however, after indication your essay I want to read it. I am breathing out to look it up online and see if I can find it. My only suggestion would be that you add your references to this. I am currently in college and my instructors are very demanding about this. each time we state something the designer said we MUST add a reference right behind the statement. another(prenominal) consequently that your essay was well written and gave much information. I hope you recieved a good stray on this paper. You definatly father a grasp on what Browning was trying to relate in this somewhat twisted poem. Again, I am very indwelling at your interpretation of British/Irish literature. I could throw away read this essay kinda (My instructor was not tightfitting as good as the one you have described). grownup Work! Hey great piece of writing. Although I dont read much poetry mysealf, the way that you wrote the piece do want to read on. It opened my eyes to the peom and make it more easily mute as i went to have a look at the original. As far as I am concerned very well written. Peps Your essay has a nice flow to it, you highlight the key points, only questionmark Id gain ground is why you write quotes in brackets. away from that, fantastic essay. Ahmed I have really venerateed reading this essay. I have always found the poem left-hand(a) me with presentings of uneasiness. Although the voice is that of the count speaking to the envoy, this isnt revealed until fairly late on and then appears to be a direct wield to the proof commentator. I always put mayself as the envoy and therefore at the end feel a little like an assistant toi this vain get a line freak and his dire plans. Having said that I always have been a sucker for the naughty guy, and there is something quite dainty in the counts amorality. Thanks for a great essay, make me get straight up and read the poem again Although I havent read My Last Duchess, this thickset seems to explain it very well. Maybe Im expiry to read it now because it seems interesting. So beautifully written - it has really excite me to go and find this poem. I was particularly impressed by the fact that you addressed issues of relevance so early on in the essay. A great proficiency to draw interest into what was really wonderful work. An extremely well written essay. As usual, u are very good at capturing and maintaining the precaution of ur reader.Oh yes, it was very illuminating and contain real narration.Good job. This is the first of your essays that I have read; gratis(p) to say I am extremely impressed with your writing skills.I recall you for encouraging essay writing rebellion , more people need to find how to think outside of the box. I testamenting be looking forward to reading the rest of your work. Dont lose your touch!!! John, you write beautifully and i love this piece of literature you have created. You have great writing ace and unique style which portrays to the reader valuable information that helps the reader understand the poem with great detail. I am glad that individual is out there that is able to help the reader understand poetry with such inept skill. It is hard at once to find someone who in all understands the meaning and feelings behind the poetry. It is even harder to find someone like you who can explain these meanings and feelings with such detail. John, pass on down the best. I enjoyed reasing this and although I heve never read this I feel that by reading your work I shaft what it is all about. owing(p) work The strive was very pleasurable to read and i didnt notice anything that call for improving. Good job! I finally read this poem and am so stupefied at the covetousness and jealousy this Duke had. i really liked the way u ended.It kinda pass aways the reader longing to receipt if the Duke will change or if his new wife will also be added to his art collection. I like the way u leave the reader thirsty for more. Ive never read this poem...never even perceive of it but now, i can even take a quiz on it (thats how much I learnt and appreciate it.) I give it two tumbs up and hundred%... Like usual your style of writing is textbook. cracking intro explaining; what to your easy to understand (yet very sophisticated) style of writing...finished of with a conclusion that nicely summarizes the work. I absolutely love this essay, it was very well written and I enjoyed reading it very much, keep up the great work!!! I didnt start the essay by construction, This essay is about. Unfortunately, your comment is not very right-hand, pixel_for_life. kind of than sexual relation the author of an essay what not to do, you should state specifically what you believe should have been written instead. frequent statements such as yours are too vague to be of much use. For the most part, I find it hard to trust the judgment of someone who dogmatically uses the word never. To speak in such absolutes is not ofttimes associated with careful reflection. Many of us can learn from the late President Reagan who was make loven for saying, never say never. Its not your dishonor if you were indoctrinated into thinking narrowmindedly, but you may find that your horizons expand if youre more open to other ways of doing things than merely what you have been taught. originally you write a comment, I suggest you read the preceding comments, such as the one I wrote to Djiraaphe titled Your comment. Had you read that comment, you energy have recognise that the point you raise has already been addressed. I do appreciate, however, your copulation me that the essay was well written. I appreciate your kind words regarding the essay. As for the poem, you may locate it easily by expiration to Google and write in My Last Duchess. In fact, the original text of just about any stainless poem is readily getable in this manner. Thanks and good luck! Although the talking to seems archaic, I have always found it to be romantic. It appears you have a talent for explaining what capability be mis mute in its original form. Ive always love this poem. John, You did a great job expaining this piece of art. Thanks for with child(p) me a heads up on reading your essays. Only fleeceable fools that lack the proper instinct would start swearing over a comment left by the author that clearly had perspicuous reasoning. state like that dont deserve to be on this site. Oh, and good essay johnjjp. You did a wonderful job with this poem. There isnt much I can say about it that others havent already said. I enjoyed your essay quite a bit. Great Essay, Ive always love reading peoples interpretations of classic works. As you say in the essay some people might find the address archaic but thats a lot of the fun. To take something such as old linguistic communication and interpret into the go to bed, what we write out. You did very well with this, my extolment on job well done with a subject field that not everyone can feel so passionatley about. It is clear in your writing that you have a true interest in what your doing. John, As with all your essays, this is a great interpretation of a poem I have not read. Your inclusion of lines from the poem allowed me to understand where you were coming from. Loved going through your essay. Poetry has always been regretful for me to para-phrase but you make it look so easy, particularly by reasoning out your viewpoints. For the breath of fresh air. So many poetry analysis do not cover all the bases and explain terms. This was not just a good essay, it was informative and interesting! I enjoyed reading your breakdown of Robert Brownings poem. It is well written and thought out. Thank you for the great research. Good Job!! This essay was well-structured and analyticalal. I really enjoy Robert Downings poetry and I agree with most of your interpretations of the poem. Although, I do have one piece of advice. I was always taught to never to use the first person in an essay.
The ledger entrys is good, but it would be better if you didnt used the line: In this essay, I would like to discuss one of Robert Brownings better known poems, My Last Duchess. It would peradventure sound better if you wrote something such as: My Last Duchess is one of Robert Downings better known poems... and then keep up the sentence by using and to unify to the sentence about the delivery being archaic. Other than that, it was a great essay and I radically enjoyed reading it. I can see that this take was thorough researched. Your interpretation is very insightful. You mentioned that this interpretation is your personal translation. Obviously, you know what this poem is all about. Good! :) i cannot say i am the best judgement upon this essay as i have not had much experience with this text. However from this point of view the essay is well written and passes on the thesis well to any reader irrelevant of their own personal context. The use of examples provided a vivid image of the portaryl of the characters and provided a basis for ready points to be drawn upon. The only reflection of this piece clay in the structure. The examples used were relevant and yet their use provided a dainty awkwardness to the piece, my only advice would be to try and ingraft the quotes in your writting as if part of the sentence. The characters are portrayed to be humble, and the advice of footstep carefully child, suggests the condescendnig attitude of the masters. ( possibly not the best example but i hope you see my point.) All in all an excellent essay - i enjoyed reading this because of the goodish points and the foresight of the analysis. It is appropriate that the poem ends with an emphasized me just as the title begins with My as the Duke only cares about himself. HAHA thats pretty good... I never caught that. Excellent job. You are very feel out and analytical. You have interpreted a poem that many in this day and age believe is fairly indecipherable and you break it down, look historical the words to see connotations, implications, and, in effect, what the author truly meant. Very, very good essay. Are you in college? Did you finish high school? There is vigour wrong with starting out and essay with In this essay, we will discuss. My Prof gave us and example essay that he had wrote and it started with that. Unless you are a prof with high standing and know exactly what you are saying than I wouldnt say that anymore. I wouldnt say anything derogatory unless you have proof to back it up! I am studying incline literature at school(As Level) and think that your essay is quite good and shows good depth. SR(MY INTIALS if your wondering) This is the first time that I have ever read this poem and the author really does a good job breakage down the poem and explaining the meaning. You obvisouly know your stuff. You write with the confidence un eliminateable to incite and audience. I didnt like how you began the essay, however. And there was some verbosity in the first paragraph. Other than that I saw no eye-popping errors. Great job! I would just like to say this essay was written in such a way that it was very interesting to me. im not usually a big fan chivalrous literature but this grabbed my attention. also, it flowed very well and had many good verbiage words. great job! Your use of quotes is amazing, it brings depth and a lot more meaning to your essay. It is very well written and uses a lot of formal yet unformal langauge, good work. The way you wrote your essay on this poem is excellent. It makes the reader (me) want to read the poem. Very well written. wow, you really impress me with your prize of words. You seem to be really talented in writing. The structure of your essay is very good, it keep me interested. whoever u are! have you actually read this? declare you read all the other comments left? *I think you had better go back to school and sort it out u sorry little illiterate person. How dare u lose vocabulary such as that, go away and hassel your 4th grade tutor cos thats what age you are acting. This is A+ work. Great analysis, format, and you used excellent quotes right where you postulate them to prove your points. Great job! At last, somebody who actually quotes the material they write on! To often are essays written without quotes to embossment evidence, excellent work. I am amazed to see that people are using resistant language in comments. Comments should be used to express opinions, make suggestions on writing, and eventually for constructive criticism. People who use anger language should be expelled from this website. It is not ethical. eer heard about netiquette? A great job! I would only change one thing. I would integrate into the text the quotations, instead of putting them in brackets. Other than that, this paper had a very natural flow and great organization. also, the conclusions reached about the message Brwoning is conveying, and how it is presented is dead(p) on. Again, great job. This essay was plainly wonderful. Great Job! Id love to see more of your writting. Please, if you can, post more essays. john you write some pretty good essays, this one i felt is very detailed and it keeps the reader intrigued to the end. i can see that you are a keen writer and it comes natural to you...well done! This has been a very wondrous written, and helpful essay. I am just wondering if you should have added a conclusion to wrap up all your ideas. =P overall, very very good. Really, was there any need for that? near look how many people have rated this, and wrote comments and your comment will get more than -3 i can tell you now. I dont know what johnjjp has done to upset you, or to cause you to burtaly imbarrese him on his own essay, but y dont you take it up with him in a email. I have rated your comment poor as it deserves it, nothing personal to yoy, but lets face it, if i called you a darn on one of your upper side essays, would you smile and give me a green face? Very interesting to read and well-written. Ive never read My Last Duchess but you really sound footsure in your interpretation. Good job. This summary is really interesting.I like the way you capture your readers interest in this poem...keep it up amazing analytic skills cant complain only extolment (especially as Ive never been one for analyzing literature) would have helped if you had the intact poem separately at the end GREAT! THE trump out ESSAY I involve EVER READ. GOOD information AND THE POEM U deliver NOTICED IS ASOME. GREAT farm out!!!!!!!! The content was good, but you could have made it better by putting the line numbers next to the lines you are referencing. It makes it much easier to grasp the contents as it gives the reader an indication of the time sequence in which the poem was written. You could have also mayhap added in a bit more historical context, and possibly added in a bit of rhetorical. How would this poem have been real by its medieval audience? Is it controversial? Humourous? then(prenominal) maybe compared that interpretation to how we interpret it today. However, it provided a good summary and analysis of the poems content. Ill give it 8/10. Hey John, Thank you for your comment and BTW... great work! Sana. The essay has good structure and the language usage is great. estimable dont put In this essay or I will. Thats a little unprofesional. turn in to start with a strong thesis. JUST LOVED. VERY INFORMATIVE. YOUR INTRODUCTION IS A BIT REPETITIVE AND COULD DO WITH SOME IMPROVEMENT tho OVERALL AN EXCELLENT ESSAY. i know that your essay is about the poem and you most likely wouldnt have included the poem in an essay you handed in toa professor (teachor) but i assume not everybody on here has read the poem so rahter than having to look it up on the net it in all probability would be easier to include the poem at the end of your essay. It was a good report im just afrad i didnt understnad some separate of it Yes, I guess your right to some extent. However, all my teachers begining from 7th gr. have been telling not to use I. Its use is more apropriate in stories rather than is analyzes. Some inflexible pedants, haha.. i like the body, and the conclusion, but the introduction seems shifty, the way i was taught here where i live, i dont know where ur from, but here were not allowed to say things like, today i goin to talks about... stuff like that because its to in formal... u know wat i mean, but other than that, its a very good piece of work.. As the title might suggest, I found this analysis delightful in many aspects. Wonderful vocabulary sprinkled with wit (which is quite an achievement in an essay). One critique - visual perception as how this is a poem with unique poetical structure, I thought you could stand to mention something of the poetry elements (rhyme scheme, caesuras, etc...). Oh, and your comment-replies make me smile, though I would hate to be on the receiving end. This essay is well written, I only have one suggestion to make. never start an essay with, This essay is about or In this essay, I would like to discuss, just give the division youre going to discuss in the thesis. It makes your points more potent and makes your essay feel more focused. i found it quite interesting to read, in both ways of seeing the errors and getting entertained. theres structural errors in the piece but other than that, i dont see any other problems, well done Overall= great further= a little to drive repitition in the beggining you think? Its like one of those in the beggining, when we began... remain slip of things Great structure with excellent thought behind the ideas and arguments. I liked it a lot and cant see any flaws in it. For telling the story of this poem, i give you a 10/10. For analysing language, however, i can only give you a 4. Of course, this is a intrepretation of the poem. Yet, as a school essay, which usually seeks for how the choice of words and language affects the poem, this essay isnt worth much. As my teacher always says, use PEA- point, evidence and analysis. Youve given up points, youve gotten evidence, but i can see very little analysis. Now evidently this is a very good intrepretation- something my teacher would be hard-pressed to match. Your wave of vocabulary is amazing. Are you sure youre not an adult? Yet, my entrap is that there is simply no analysis, and thus this piece of work will not help students to analyse this piece of work- unless of course, your intention is to help them understand this poem and then analyse it for themselves... in that case, i salute you. Try to avoid starting any essay with In this essay, I would..., allow your argument to flow organically. you obviously have an indepth grasp of Robert Brown, an able and meticulously detailed author.i enjoyed your searching interpretation of the poem with the manful ideal of females being pieces of property, and the between the line messages. your great writing style coupled with an extremely sinister kindle piece of poetry, the last dutchess is brought to life and expressed with a about different view to my own. great work. This work confused me the first time I read it, but your essay has made me see it much better. beforehand I had never understood or even notice some of the connections that your essay made me see. & I can actually view it because its regular. Thank you!!!! If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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